Tuesday, February 15, 2011

There She was Just a Walking Down the Street, Singing ‘Doo A Diddy Ding-Dongs Oreos’

I always wondered how people who don’t have cars manage to get overweight. It takes a lot of dedication to not only eat terribly, and not only eat so much that you overwhelm any calories you burn on your daily trip to the convenience store, but to realize that every time you have to waddle to the store when you want a slim jim it gets harder to make the trip and yet you soldier on and stay the course, no matter how many times you have to stop to catch your breath or rest your obviously overworked ankles.

Not only are there cankles on display in this picture, there are also knankles, which is a new word I've just invented for that wicked sweet thigh roll that connects to the calf .

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